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Namentenga/Peace effort: A traditional practitioner offers 50 tons of rice and 60 walkie-talkies to the FDS

Ouagadougou: The High Commissioner of the province, Conseiga Adama, on behalf of the Governor of the North-Central region, received a donation from the traditional practitioner, Mahamado Sana, consisting of 10 tons of rice and 60 walkie-talkies for the benefit of the fighting forces of Boulsa and 40 tons of rice for orphans and widows in the commune of Boulsa, on December 22, 2023 in Boulsa.

Contributing to the effort to reconquer the National territory and supporting vulnerable people a little are, according to donor Mahamado Sana, the objective sought through this donation of 60 walkie-talkies and 50 tons of rice.

For Mr. Sana, it is sensitive to the suffering of vulnerable groups and to the inestimable efforts of the fighting forces on the ground night and day to ensure their security and for the reconquest of the territory that he offers these food and non-food items as a contribution to the peace effort.

He told the audience that he translated the value of caring for more than ten pilgrims to the holy
land into provisions for widows and orphans.

Receiving the various donations, the High Commissioner warmly thanked the donor on behalf of the Governor and expressed the hope that everyone involved would do useful work for the return of peace to Burkina Faso. He asked the beneficiaries to make good use of it.

As a reminder, Sana Mahamado is a young 31-year-old traditional practitioner who welcomes thousands of people from various backgrounds to his site. The latter come to him for health reasons or in search of the blessings of their host.
Source: Burkina Information Agency