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Namentenga: A project implemented to strengthen the resilience of women

Boulsa: The High Commissioner of the Namentenga province, Adama Conseiga, chaired on January 18, 2023 in Boulsa, a presentation workshop of the ‘Brave Women Burkina’ project, made available to women to strengthen their resilience.

The ‘Brave Women Burkina’ project was presented on January 18, 2024 in Boulsa, under the presidency of the High Commissioner of Namentenga province, Adama Conseiga, to enable women in the province to strengthen their resilience.

The discussions focused in particular on the minimum amount of financing which is 6 million FCFA and on the promoter’s contribution which is 50%.

The Islamic Development Bank (IDB) has made available to promoters of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises run by women, an amount of 2 billion FCFA, particularly to strengthen their resilience, under the technical supervision of the Maison de l’entreprise du Burkina.

Projects which are not contrary to the principles of Islam (alcohol, gambling, baked pork) and which provide added value are eligible.

e are investment projects (construction, acquisition of equipment) in the subsidy range of 6 million to 18 million CFA francs for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and 18 to 60 million CFA francs for associations, organizational professionals (AOP) and leading companies.

The High Commissioner congratulated the technical team for the clarity of the information and wished the women more commitment and dynamism to garner much more funding than other women in the 7 regions of Burkina in general and those in the Center-North region. especially.

The project monitoring and evaluation specialist, Patrice Sanon, warmly thanked the women for their active and effective participation in the discussions.

The information meeting was attended by prefects/PDS and the massive presence of women from different regions of the province, who welcomed it with enthusiasm.

The women stressed that the minimum financing amount of 6,000,000 FCFA is so important that they will encounter difficulties in mobilizing the
shared cost of 3,000,000 FCFA, or 50%.

They wanted the minimum amount to be within their reach given the difficult security and humanitarian context.

Please note that the longest stage of the grant process will be done online

Source: Burkina Information Agency