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Nahouri: The Muslim community supports the VDP of Pô with a financial envelope of 812,725 FCA

The first vice-president of the special delegation of the commune of Pô:resident of the special delegation of the commune of Pô, Francis Williams Yaguibou, representing the focal point of the commune’s VDP support committee, received on January 29, 2024, financial support in the amount of 812,725 F CFA, for the volunteers for the defense of the homeland (VDP) of the commune and 100,000 F CFA, for the Medical Center with surgical branch of Pô.

This support was offered by the Muslim community of the commune of Pô.

According to the spokesperson for the religious structure, Assane Gomgnimbou, this gesture is a way for it to recognize the efforts and sacrifice made by all the defense and security forces and in particular the VDP of the commune of Pô.

‘This contribution follows the call from the highest authorities of the country to contribute to the peace effort by supporting the combat forces engaged in the theaters of operations,’ he added.

Mr. Gongnimbou was delighted with the fact that the FDS and VDP are
doing an excellent job of securing the community and that the populations are able to move around freely and carry out their activities.

Regarding the donation of 100,000 CFA francs given to the CMA of Pô, Assane Gomgnimbou, indicated that it is intended mainly to pay for washing kits for patients suffering from lymphatic filariasis.

The representative of the focal point of the committee, Francis Williams Yaguibou, welcomed the initiative of the Muslim community of the commune.

‘This chain of solidarity towards our brave VDP is a sign that the daughters and sons of the commune are proud of the work of their VDP brothers who abandoned women and children to defend the homeland,’ he added.

For the representative of the District Chief Medical Officer (MCD), Issiaka Daboné, the financial support received by the CMA is timely and will remove a big thorn in the feet of these patients in the province, estimated at around 200 and who do not have the means to pay for washing kits.

The Muslim community prayed for t
he return of peace to Burkina Faso. She had organized a similar prayer in 2023, notably for the FDS and VDP and transitional authorities.

Source: Burkina Information Agency