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Nahouri/Peace effort: A national supports the VDP with food

Ouagadougou: A national of the province of Nahouri in the Center-South supports the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP) with food of various kinds. It was the High Commissioner of the province, Auguste Kinda, who chaired the said ceremony in the presence of representatives of the defense and security forces of the Pô garrison.

The chain of solidarity with the volunteers for the defense of the homeland (VDP) in the province of Nahouri continues. After the Anouga family in Tiébélé, it is the turn of a national of the commune of Guiaro, province of Nahouri in the person of Denise Atti Oulon to deliver, on December 26, 2023, food of various kinds to the VDPs of the province

The donation consists of 02 tons of rice, 02 bags of sugar of 50kg, 02 cartons of coffee, 22 packets of sweet drink and 22 packets of water of 0.5 liters.

According to the donor, Denise Atti Oulon, this gesture is a way for her to recognize the efforts and sacrifice made by all the defense and security forces in order to allo
w populations to live in peace and carry out their activities in peace. serenity. ‘This support will allow the VDP to feel supported by the population, because they abandoned their family to defend the national territory while each of us celebrates in our family,’ said Ms. Oulon.

‘I also have a thought for the victims of terrorism, internally displaced people, especially internally displaced children who will unfortunately not experience these end-of-year holidays,’ she added.

The representative of the provincial coordinator of the VDP of Nahouri, chief sergeant Achille Bougma, for his part, expressed the full recognition of all the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) of the Pô garrison to the location of the donor. For him, this donation will boost the morale of the VDPs who are doing excellent work on the ground.

The High Commissioner of the province of Nahouri, Auguste Kinda, welcomed the initiative of the donor who is not her first charitable work. ‘This chain of solidarity towards our brave VDP is a sig
n that the daughters and sons of Nahouri are proud of the work of their VDP brothers who abandoned women and children to defend our common homeland.’ As a reminder, the donor, Denise Atti Oulon, is the Founder of the ‘Atti la grace’ school and the representative of CIDES (International Consortium for Economic Development in the Sahel).
Source: Burkina Information Agency