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Nahouri/Maracana Youth Tournament: The Guelwongo 2 team wins the trophy

Ouagadougou: The High Commissioner of the province of Nahouri, Augustin Kinda, chaired on Saturday February 17, 2024, the final of the fourth edition of the Zecco Youth Maracana Tournament, with the coronation of the Guelwongo team 2. It was in the presence of the sons and daughters of the locality and several guests.

In total, 13 teams from the communes of Tiébélé, Zecco and Ziou competed for three months in a spirit of brotherhood and play, under the theme: ‘Contribution of the sons and daughters of Zecco to social cohesion and effort of peace”.

The final pitted the Watao FC team against that of Guelwongo 2 which won the trophy of the 4th edition of the Maracana youth football tournament in the municipality of Zecco, by a score of 1 goal to zero.

In addition to the trophy, Guelwongo 2 received an envelope of 75,000 F CFA and two balls and Watao FC, 50,000 F CFA and two balls. The other participating teams were rewarded in cash and in kind.

Before the kick-off, the customary and religious authorities of
the commune prayed for the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) and the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP).

According to the promoter, Alidou Bakiéka, such an activity, the fourth of its kind, is an invitation to the sons and daughters of the communes of Tiébélé, Zecco and Ziou, to unite so that everyone makes their contribution for a return to peace and cohesion. social in Burkina Faso.

The sponsor of the edition, Honoré Tamougré Sia, while welcoming the organizing committee for the effective holding of this event, invited young people not to give in under any circumstances to the temptation of armed terrorist groups and to accompany the fighting forces. committed to the reconquest of the national territory.

Sia has indicated its availability to support all actions relating to improving the living conditions of populations.

The final was attended by Oscar Barro, coach of the local Stallions, Hamadou Bamba, president of the Hauts-Bassins Regional League and many other distinguished guests who
came to support the sponsor and the organizing committee.

The High Commissioner of the Nahouri province, Augustin Kinda, congratulated the organizers for the chosen theme, because according to him, without the effective involvement of youth and populations in this fight against insecurity, efforts will remain in vain.

During the ceremony, 138,000 CFA francs were collected on an ad hoc basis to support the VDPs in the commune of Zecco.

Earlier in the morning, a cross was organized to promote cohesion, or population, FDS and VDP united around this sport.

Source: Burkina Information Agency