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Nahouri/Cooperation and Culture: 72 hours to celebrate good neighborliness and magnify culture Kassena Nankana

The committee organizing committee of the Dakola Neighbors Festival, organized on February 7, 2024 in Paga (Ghanaian town on the border with Burkina), a press conference to present the main points of the event, initiated by MY EVENTS , scheduled to be held from March 7 to 10, 2024, in Dakola, a locality located on the border of Burkina and Ghana, for the promotion of Kassena Nankana culture.

The Dakola Village Neighbors Festival will be held from March 7 to 10, 2024 in Dakola, a village located about twenty kilometers south of the town of PĂ´ on the border of Burkina and Ghana.

Less than a month before the festivities, the organizers of the activity were in front of the Burkinabè and Ghanaian press, this February 7, 2024 in Paga, a Ghanaian town on the border with Burkina, to present the main points of the event.

‘The objective of the event is to promote culture and strengthen community ties between the Burkinabe and Ghanaian peoples,’ said the promoter of the event, Yacouba Kibora.

According to him, the
Kassena Nankana culture constitutes a very important part of the heritage of the two peoples.

‘It is indeed a rich, authentic, diverse culture and sometimes unique in some of its components such as its architectural style and its murals,’ he explained.

Mr. Kibora indicated that in addition to language, there are other factors of resemblance including gastronomy and cultural practices and that the Dakola border constitutes a crossroads of exchanges including commercial circulation between the different communities. .

This is why, he said, the festival also intends to develop a meeting space for exchanges, discovery, sharing and mixing of cultures.

The cultural assistant on duty at the provincial directorate in charge of Culture, Abdoul Aziz Kolga, noted that the festival is welcome.

For four days, communities living on both sides of the Burkina-Ghana border will meet in Dakola, to commune together, but also to celebrate the cultural values common to both peoples through shows, exhibitions and sales of cul
tural products and tasting of local dishes.

Three main areas will be on the program such as the arrangement of the stands, the animation of evenings of humor, tales and legends, djongo dancing and the production of live performances by artists from Ghana and Burkina.

According to the speakers of the day, through this festival they want to raise awareness among communities on the importance and need to preserve social cohesion, promote tourist sites located on both sides of the Dakola border and create a framework mixing and exchanges between the two peoples

Source: Burkina Information Agency