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Morocco: The challenges and opportunities of digital education at the heart of a panel


Essaouira: As part of the regional forum ‘Seeds for the Future’ which is being held from July 3 to 8, 2024 in Essaouira in Morocco, at the initiative of Huawei Northern Africa, a panel on ‘issues and opportunities of digital education’ was hosted on Saturday by eminent experts, including Dr Pousséni Bakouan from the office of the Minister of Digital Transition of Burkina.

What is the role of digital education in transforming current education systems and what are the main benefits and challenges associated with this transition? It is around these questions that the discussions were focused during the panel organized as part of the regional forum ‘Seeds for the Future’, initiated by Huawei Northern Africa, from July 3 to 8, 2024 in Essaouira, Morocco.

The panel saw the participation of eminent experts such as Mourad Bentahar, professional education specialist from UNESCO, Mohamed El Moctar Mohamedine, charge d’affaires and advisor to the Minister of Mauritania, Dr Chraibi Mhammed from Al University Akhawayn,
Mariame Bah, Deputy Director General of the Guinea Digitalization Agency, and Dr Pousséni Bakouan, expert in the Office of the Minister of Digital Transition of Burkina.

The latter maintained the audience through rich communication on the promising technologies and initiatives undertaken by the government of Burkina Faso to transform the existing education system.

Among the initiatives, he cited the deployment of a free Wi-Fi network in the majority of public higher education and research institutions (IESR) in the country.

This network makes it possible, according to him, to expand access to the internet and improve connectivity in all schools in Burkina.

To this, he added the implementation of the ‘one student, one computer’ program which aims to ensure each public student has personal access to a computer and the necessary digital resources.

Still among the initiatives undertaken by the government to transform the education system, Dr Bakouan mentioned the creation of the Virtual University which fulf
ills two crucial missions.

The first mission is educational and research, resulting in the production of innovative digital educational content, the strengthening of the capacities of teacher-researchers, trainers and technical staff in new educational approaches, the offering of innovative training in all areas of socio-economic life and the promotion of research in innovative and priority sectors.

The second mission is technical through the promotion of the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching, the creation of secure technological platforms for training and research and the establishment of a secure infrastructure for data hosting for higher education and research.

Dr Pousséni Bakouan also stressed that the Burkinabè authorities support the development of digital educational content aligned with national school curricula.

All these initiatives demonstrate, according to him, their commitment to modernize and improve inclusive access to learning via digital technolog
ies, thus contributing to sustainable development and social inclusion.

‘This integrated approach illustrates an ambitious vision for the country’s educational future, aligned with the overall sustainable development goals and national aspirations for quality education accessible to all,’ he said.

Most of the speakers on the panel praised the efforts made by the Burkinabe authorities for equitable access to quality education for all.

Burkina Faso Information Agency

Source: Burkina Information Agency