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Minister Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo pays tribute to 44 employees admitted to retirement in 2023

Ouagadougou: The Minister of State, Minister of Communication, Culture, Arts and Tourism (MCCAT), Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, paid tribute to 44 agents of his department, admitted to retirement in 2023, Friday in Ouagadougou.

‘Your dedication throughout your career has helped move the needle. You have greatly contributed to the influence of the department during all these years when you were still active,’ declared Minister Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo.

He also wished his now ex-collaborators a happy retirement.

‘May you take advantage of this moment to truly devote yourself to your passions, to your personal projects, in short to a rewarding life that you dreamed of and that you deserve to live today,’ he said.

For journalist Adama Laguempidou of RTB des Hauts-Bassins, he is very happy because his efforts have been recognized by his supervisory ministry, after so many years of service.

‘We feel through this recognition ceremony that our work was not in vain and that somewhere during these years we were useful t
o our nation, our country Burkina Faso,’ he maintained.

Lamoussa Robgo of the National Radio of Burkina said he was satisfied with this tribute ceremony because according to him, the work done on the ground was recognized.

He said he was satisfied with having devoted his time to the communications department which allowed him to accumulate a lot of experience during his 32 years of service.

At the end of the ceremony, the retired officers received certificates of recognition and gifts.

Source: Burkina Information Agency