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Minister Bazié says ‘thank you’ to the Russians for the ‘candor’ and ‘mutual respect’ in their cooperation with Burkina

Ouagadougou: Present as part of the 8th International Labor Forum in Saint Petersburg, the Minister of State, Minister of Civil Service, Labor and Social Protection, Bassolma Bazié said ‘thank you’ to the Russians and their leader, welcoming the frankness and mutual respect they show in cooperation with Burkina Faso.

‘We say thank you to the People of Russia and their leaders for their cooperation full of frankness, transparency, openness and mutual respect,’ declared Minister Bassolma Bazié this Tuesday at the 8th International Labor Forum, open from 19 to February 24 in the Russian city of Saint Petersburg, under the theme ‘The concept of a common migratory space of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States: general principles and national interests’.

‘This is also respect for the sovereignty of the People (and) this sovereignty, of course, we do not negotiate it with anyone, hence we are ready to pay the multifaceted price necessary to impose it,’ suggested the Minister of State, report
ed by his communications service.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, he conveyed the ‘warm and fraternal’ greetings of President Ibrahim Traoré, the government and the people of Burkina Faso to his hosts, stressing that his participation in this forum is intended to be one of the noble marks of ‘ fraternal collaboration between the two peoples.

For Minister Bazié, in a world in rapid change and crisis, maintaining bold, sincere and human relationships is a painful task.

‘But knowing how to do it is a matter of dignity and honor in the soul. Indeed, Burkina Faso, Country of Upright Men, located in the heart of West Africa, is experiencing difficulties essentially linked to this terrorist crisis fabricated from scratch by capitalist rapacity in the world, in order to impose misery there. , pain and disorientation to better plunder his riches. It is the same for its neighboring brother countries of Mali and Niger,’ he maintained.

Source: Burkina Information Agency