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Literature: A police lieutenant dedicates a collection of short stories

Ouagadougou, Police lieutenant Jean-Baptiste Oulon signed last Thursday in Ouagadougou his first collection of short stories entitled “Le Courier”, a work which depicts the ills of current society. Burkina Faso.

In the work “The Courier”, the police lieutenant, Jean-Baptiste Oulon, plunged his pen into “the wounds” which undermine Burkinabè society to provide solutions to the various ills.

The subjects addressed by the author are current issues such as romantic relationships, gold panning, questions of adventure.

As for questions of adventure, Mr. Oulon believes that, “we can deploy this force that we use to join the West to work our lands here and be able to live better.”

Through the title of the short story “premonitory dream”, he denounces the attitude of those who categorically refuse to lead what concerns them.

“He does not master the reality of where they are but they master the realities elsewhere. How can you control what happens elsewhere when with the little power you have been given you cannot control that? », asked the lieutenant.

The author also tackles sensitive subjects in Burkinabe society such as the life led by talibés which often leads to juvenile delinquency.

The author was inspired by reality to write his work. He also used his professional experiences and testimonies to outline the outline of his work.

“It’s not my reality as such. My own reality will come later. It is first of all for what was told to me that I thought it was good to put in a book so that it could benefit other people,” said Jean-Baptiste Oulon.

Between a very busy professional life, “I found time in my lack of time to devote myself to what I think is necessary”.

The letter is a collection of 86 pages divided into five short stories. It is currently available at the national police academy at the price of 3500 FCFA.

Source: Burkina Information Agency