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Léraba: Active forces invited to support government action

Ouagadougou: The governor of the Cascades region, Badabouè Florent Bazié, spoke on Wednesday January 10, 2024 in Sindou, with the active forces of the Léraba province, during a visit he carried out in the province.

Two months after taking office, the governor of the Cascades region, Badabouè Florent Bazié, made his first official outing to the province of Léraba, on Wednesday January 10, 2024.

A question for him to come and introduce himself, discuss and ask for support from the living forces for the cause of the nation.

Indeed, the offensive commitment for the reconquest of the territory and the agropastoral offensive for the food autonomy of the populations were the main points of this exchange meeting.

According to the regional director of agriculture, animal and fishery resources, Souobou Minyémba, in the Cascades, the exploitation of 2,310 hectares of land is planned from the winter season of 2024.

‘Also, strategies such as providing actors with avian reproductive centers, the implementation of 20,6
00 floating huts, the establishment of pastoral zones (livestock trails, pastures and watering troughs will be determined for pastoralists), are in place. running,’ he said.

The governor of the Cascades region expressed his satisfaction with the quality of the exchanges.

‘I had very fruitful exchanges with the active forces who are determined to support the authorities, to support the government’s action,’ Badabouè Florent Bazié suggested.

One of the moving moments of this visit by the governor was that of the visit to the Medical Center with Surgical Antenna (CMA) of Sindou, a reference center for the entire province of Léraba, lacking the essentials to ensure the minimum service. .

Indeed, the CMA lacks an incinerator, an electrical regulator, a generator for the electrical relay, an autoclave for sterilizing surgical equipment, a drum and even a morgue, to name just a few.

Source: Burkina Information Agency