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Launch of the executive program of the pilgrimage routes ‘Droub al-Hajj’ to highlight the cultural role of Islam and the position of the Two Holy Places.

The National Commission for Education, Culture and Science signed an agreement on the ‘Executive Program for the Droub al-Hajj Pilgrimage Routes to Mecca and Historic Mosques’ with the Islamic Educational Organization , Science and Culture (ISESCO) during the 44th session of the Executive Council in Jeddah.

The objective of the agreement is to highlight the civilizational role of Islam and the position of the Two Holy Places as a center of civilizational encounter and world peace. It also aims to take necessary measures to protect cultural heritage sites on the ‘Droub al-Hajj’ pilgrimage routes to Mecca and historic mosques in the organization’s member countries. Additionally, it supports the process of census, documentation, management and registration of sites and elements related to pilgrimage routes and historic mosques, including them on the World Heritage and World Islamic Heritage lists. It also aims to support cultural industries linked to pilgrimage around the world and to accompany and protect them

The signing of the agreement took place during the work of the Executive Council, which the Kingdom hosts through the National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, as part of its efforts to activate the role of leading the Kingdom in leading the international movement strengthening the presence of Islamic culture on the world cultural scene. This is part of the unlimited support given to the cultural sector by the Custodian of the Two Holy Places and the Crown Prince may Allah preserve them, as well as the directives of His Highness Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Farhan, Minister of Culture and Chairman of the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture and Science.

The clauses stipulate the protection and strengthening of the position of the ‘Droub al-Hajj’ pilgrimage routes and historic mosques, as well as the tangible and intangible cultural aspects related to them as authentic cultural elements of Islamic countries. They also highlight the importance of highlighting the civilizational rol
e of Islam and the Two Holy Places as essential civilizational meeting points for diverse civilizations, where one of the oldest and greatest manifestations of exchange takes place cultural within the framework of peace, prosperity and coexistence. The paths of the ‘Droub al-Hajj’ pilgrimage and the sites scattered around them are notable for their importance as major elements of Islamic culture and heritage shared by various Islamic countries.

The agreement also includes support for the process of census and documentation of heritage and cultural sites linked to the ‘Droub al-Hajj’ pilgrimage routes, as well as their registration on the Islamic and world heritage lists, due to their cultural position eminent. Furthermore, it aims to unify and coordinate joint efforts among national committees in raising awareness and promoting these routes, their characteristics and their cultural importance.

The terms of the agreement also include the establishment of an interactive infrastructure from museums, electronic
platforms, marketing networks, and others, highlighting the historical evolution of the ‘Droub al-‘ pilgrimage paths. Hajj’ to Mecca and historic mosques, in sites linked to these paths and mosques. Furthermore, the creation of a unified global system for the pilgrimage economy is planned, through appropriate channels aimed at highlighting and strengthening the central role of the “Droub al-Hajj” pilgrimage routes in supporting and promoting local and national products from the organization’s member countries.

Source: Burkina Information Agency