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Kourweogo: The Boussé Health District celebrates the merit of its agents


The High Commissioner of the Kourweogo province, Siaka Barro, chaired, on Thursday May 30, 2024 in Boussé, the ceremony of awarding distinctions to deserving actors of the Boussé health district, during the closing of the 2nd edition of its day of excellence. It was under the sponsorship of the head of the canton of Sao, Naaba Kaongo and the former mayor of the commune of Boussé, Pierre Ouédraogo.

The Boussé health district closed on Thursday, May 30, 2024 in Boussé, the 2nd edition of its day of excellence under the presidency of the High Commissioner of the Kourweogo province, Siaka Barro.

Sports activities, board games but also free consultations and acts of recognition towards deserving structures and actors, enlivened the 72 hours.

According to the president of the jury, Dr Alima Bagagnan/Ouédraogo, three components were chosen to decide between the health facilities in the district.

‘It is the ‘Integrated care of mother and child (IMCI/REC)’ price, the ‘PEV’ price and that of ‘All indicators combine
d’. The performance of the structure, the workload, the completeness of the data, the regularity and promptness in the transmission of these are all criteria which guided the work of the commission,’ she underlined.

As a result of the deliberations, nine health facilities stood out.

The CSPS of Gonsin won the first prize in the ‘All indicators combined’ component, those of Kaonghin and Kourian received the second and third prizes PCIME/REC and that of the PEV.

All actors received certificates of recognition either for their seniority, their commitment or their availability and their sense of public service.

The head doctor of the Boussé district, Adéline Salou/Dabiré, indicated that the past year was marked by numerous achievements in different areas thanks to the commitment and dedication of the staff.

Since the first edition held in April 2022, she said, the district’s indicators have improved in many areas.

Ms. Dabiré cited, among other reasons for satisfaction, the increase in the vaccination covera
ge rate of children from zero to 23 months which increased from 91.30 in 2022 to more than 95% in 2023, the reduction in maternal and infant mortality. , improving people’s access to health care and boosting the fight against communicable and non-communicable diseases.

The High Commissioner of the Kourweogo province praised the holding of his days.

For him, the celebration allows us to magnify the work accomplished on a daily basis by health workers for the well-being of the population.

Siaka Barro, indicated that a healthy population is a major asset in the quest for prosperity, economic and social stability of a nation.

‘The achievement of this ambition dear to the authorities of Burkina Faso remains, he said, on quality personnel, capable of carrying the values of dedication, probity, and commitment in the execution of their missions,’ he said. he adds.

To the winners, the High Commissioner congratulated them for the quality of their work, which has now earned them the recognition of the community. He
invites them to continue these efforts which make them examples of citizens serving development.

The sponsors for their part expressed their gratitude to the district officials for allowing them to participate in this activity.

Through anecdotes, the head of the canton of Sao demonstrated the importance of this profession, both for the community and for the individual, whatever their social rank.

‘We all need their advice to preserve our health or their inventions to recover our health,’ he said.

The head of the canton of Sao continued that the exercise of this highly social function can at times lead to friction and called on the populations to show patience, understanding and to facilitate the work of the agents stationed in their localities.

Returning to the district’s achievements, Adéline Salou/Dabiré, welcomed the official opening of four CSPS in the villages of Lao Sidbewendin, Napalqué, Zéguédeghin and the Urban CSPS of Boussé which has seen an effective relocation to sector 2.

‘To this, we must
add the renovation of the CMA operating theater and the provision of health structures with medico-technical equipment,’ announced Ms. Dabiré.

In terms of prospects, the MCD announced, in addition to the upcoming opening of new health centers in Goabga in the commune of Niou and in Barama in the commune of Laye, work to expand the maternity ward and the CMA laboratory.

She thanked government authorities and partners for the efforts made to promote access to quality health care for the populations of Kourwéogo.

Addressing the chapter of challenges, Dr Dabiré, made a plea to the decentralized communities of the province for the standardization of the CSPS of the village of Wa, in the commune of Niou and the continuation of equipment actions, particularly in lighting and water supply to health facilities.

Source: Burkina Information Agency