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Kouritenga/PFNL: The actors of the Weoog-Paani project at the school of good techniques


The local governance of forest resources project (PGLRF) in Burkina Faso organized, on Thursday April 11, 2024, in Koupéla, a B to B meeting to evaluate strategic plans and post-war perspectives. agribusiness cluster project for the Shea sector in the Center-East and East regions. The project, called in the local language ‘Weoog-Paani’, remains committed to supporting Village Forestry Enterprises (EFV) and their umbrella organizations towards greater professionalism, and to improving the marketing of their products.

The session which brought together around fifty participants from the project intervention areas has the overall objective, according to the interim coordinator of ‘Weoog-Paani’ at SNV, Bédémé BAYOULOU, to create a framework for exchanges on the content of the different strategic plans of the project, to capitalize on the achievements, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each strategic plan, and to define the prospects.

For him, this meeting is part of the traditional actions of the prog
ram, in particular the linking of actors in the production of Non-Wood Forest Products (NTFP) with other actors, such as traders and financing and marketing structures. ‘accompaniement.

According to Mr. BAYOULOU, it allows Village Forestry Enterprises (EFV) and their umbrella organizations to seize opportunities to market their products.

‘This meeting is an opportunity to better find outlets to market the products. It is also a place for business dialogue between traders and other actors in the NTFP value chain,’ he said.

Implemented by the Tree-Aid consortium and SNV Dutch Development Organization ‘Weoog-Paani’, according to Mr. BAYOULOU, worked for local governance through the promotion of an environment favorable to the local governance of forest resources in 25 municipalities in 4 regions, strengthening the potential for regeneration, production and preservation of forest areas and adaptation of communities to climate change, and increasing the income of stakeholders through the economic development of
forest resources.

According to him, the project also contributed to improving the shea, néré, balanite value chains, and many other NTFPs.

During the five years of execution of the project, Bédémé BAYOULOU confided that the strategy to achieve the objectives consisted of working for a real dialogue between the different actors. ‘Around fifteen meetings of this type were held between the actors involved in the project.

In addition, several purchase and sale contracts have been concluded between buyers and producers,’ he rejoiced.

For the president of the Regional Chamber of Agriculture (CRA) of the Center-East, Aboubacar TARNAGDA, the contribution of his structure within the framework of the PGLRF comes down to the mobilization and awareness-raising of the actors in his administrative district.

He praised the fruitful collaboration between the Weoog Paani project, the CRA and the agriculture and environment services.

‘These two structures remained with us for five years and technically, they provided use
ful information to our nationals who participate in the B to B system,’ he was satisfied.

For Mr. TARNAGDA, even if the ‘Weoog-Paani’ project ends next May, the beneficiaries are sufficiently equipped to succeed.

Clémentine THIOMBIANO from the Yanyama farm in Fada N’Gourma, participant in this meeting, said she had benefited enormously from the B to B meetings.

‘Now I know how to negotiate with traders. They in turn can also negotiate with us. I also learned that between our cooperatives and shea butter producers, we can bargain,’ she enthused.

Started in 2019, the ‘Weoog-Paani’ project operates in 20 municipalities in four regions of Burkina Faso, notably the Center-East, the Center-South, the East and the North.

Source: Burkina Information Agency