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Koulpélogo: Terrorists neutralized, equipment recovered

Ouagadougou: The Combatant Forces neutralized yesterday, Monday, terrorists in the Ouargaye area (Koulpélogo province) and recovered combat equipment, AIB learned Tuesday from security sources.

On February 5, 2024, groups of terrorists came in large numbers to attack a VDP position in Koogo, near Ouargaye.

The boys fought courageously, forcing the criminals to flee.

But it was only a postponement. Indeed, the aerial vectors called to the rescue will follow the long column of fugitives.

The pilots will then wait for them at Welgiemsifou, three kilometers from Koogo.

As soon as they arrive, a missile will target the middle of the pack and cause as many victims as possible.

Survivors abandon their motorcycles, believing they could escape more quickly on foot.

No effort was wasted, the Combatant Forces arrive on the scene and complete the mission.

Operations continue in the area and elsewhere to restore peace and security.

Source: Burkina Information Agency