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Kossi: Members of the government exchange with the active forces of the province


The Minister of State, Minister of National Defense and Veterans, Brigadier General Kassoum Coulibaly, accompanied by the Minister in charge of Territorial Administration, Emile Zerbo and the Governor of Boucle du Mouhoun, led a delegation of military leaders to meet the active forces of the Kossi province, on Saturday March 23, 2024.

The Minister of State, Minister of National Defense and Veterans, Brigadier General Kassoum Coulibaly, led a delegation of military leaders to meet the active forces of the Kossi province, on Saturday March 23, 2024 in Nouna.

He was accompanied by the Minister in charge of Territorial Administration, Emile Zerbo and the governor of Boucle du Mouhoun, Babo Pierre Bassinga.

After the welcoming words of the canton chief, Mamadou Traoré, on behalf of the customary, traditional and religious authorities, the spokesperson for the active forces of the Kossi province, Séraphin Simboro, thanked the transition authorities for the installation of the 53rd Commando Infantry Regiment (RIC
) in Nouna.

Simboro then listed the grievances of the population which are the liberation of national road 14, the return of electricity, the installation of evacuated villages and the support of the populations with foodstuffs as well as the training of Volunteers for the defense of the homeland.

Brigadier General Kassoum Coulibaly observed a minute of silence in memory of the victims of terrorism of which Nouna was not spared.

He then translated the warm congratulations of the president of the transition to the resilient population of Kossi, for the sacrifices made in these difficult times.

‘Rest assured, no part of the territory will be forgotten and no one is forgotten in the fight we are waging. The units are being established and those who refuse to return to the ranks, we are going to fight them,’ said Brigadier General Kassoum Coulibaly.

He then made it known that the interests of the nation come first and foremost and that there are certainly moments of pain that we must know how to overcome.

he Minister of State stressed the importance of distancing oneself from false information, especially on social networks, and requested the support of the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) with blessings.

The president of the ‘Save the Kossi’ movement, Djibilirou Fofana, first pointed out the management of communication between the population and the FDS, insisting on a better approach strategy. FM.ofana, asked that the Promises of large-scale operations are coming to fruition as is happening elsewhere so that populations can resettle.

‘Our objective is to preserve the lives of our populations, the FDS and the VDP. Regarding grievances, we are not in a speed race. The generator is waiting for the next convoy to be transported to Nouna,’ said the Minister of State.

Brigadier General Kassoum Coulibaly clarified that the Boucle du Mouhoun is a region facing great challenges with many rumors.

For him, they came to see how the populations and the FDS communicate.

‘We are aware of the problems, large-scale ope
rations are prepared based on the information and analyzes that we will do on the operational level. Nothing should stop us from getting where we need to get. Those who are refractory, we have no choice,’ he stressed.

Source: Burkina Information Agency