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Kombissiri/Communal tree planting day: More than 7,000 plants planted

Ouagadougou: On the occasion of the communal tree planting day, the authorities and citizens of the town of Kombissiri in the province of Bazèga, Center-South region carried out on Friday July 26, 2024, the planting of more than 7,060 plants of various species.

The administrative and customary authorities and citizens of the town of Kombissiri observed the communal tree planting day. It was the city’s solid waste sorting center which served as the site for this reforestation operation on the occasion of the municipal tree planting day.

According to the president of the Special Delegation of the commune of Kombissiri, Boukary Porgo, this activity at the sorting center is part of the implementation of the environmental and social management plan (ESMP) whose objective is to contribute to restoring the forest resources that were destroyed during the development work of the sorting center and the solid waste dump in the town of Kombissiri.

A total of 7,060 plants of several species were planted, i.e. 2,060 pla
nts at the sorting center and 5,000 others planted a few days earlier at the landfill located outside the city.

For the High Commissioner of the Bazèga province, Téné Justine Kientega/Ilboudo who chaired the activity, the communal tree planting day responds to the vision of the government of Burkina Faso which established the national tree day (JNA) whose theme this year 2024

is: ‘Tree, a capital of resilience for endogenous development’. She, on this occasion, invited the citizens of Kombissiri to maintain the planted trees.

Source: Burkina Information Agency