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Kénédougou: The special delegation of the urban commune of Orodara supports IDPs with food

The special delegation of the urban commune of Orodara made a donation of food to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) on Saturday, January 20, 2024, in the presence of the high commissioner of the province of Kénédougou, Saïdou Sakira.

Worth more than one million CFA francs, this donation is essentially made up of 76 50 kg bags of corn for the benefit of Internally Displaced People in the city of Orodara. A total of 100 households benefited from the donation.

According to the president of the special delegation of the urban commune of Orodara, Emmanuel Konaté, this gesture follows the call from the Head of State inviting each local authority to come to the aid of internally displaced persons falling within its territorial jurisdiction.

In the same dynamic, the Evangelical Mennonite Church, through the special delegation of Orodara, also made a donation of 24 bags of corn to the IDPs.

According to the pastor, Abdias Coulibaly, this donation comes from the production of the young people of the church, duri
ng the past agricultural campaign intended for vulnerable people.

The spokesperson for the beneficiaries, Yacouba Barro expressed his gratitude and recognition to the special delegation from the urban commune of Orodara and to the leaders of the Evangelical Mennonite church for their salutary gesture.

Source: Burkina Information Agency