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Kénédougou/Peace effort: The village of Djigouèra contributes 750,000 CFA francs

Ouagadougou: The village chief of Djigouèra, Salia Traoré, presented this Monday, February 19, 2024 in Orodara, a financial package worth 750,000 CFA francs to the High Commissioner of the Province of Kénédougou, Saidou Sakira, as a contribution to the peace effort.

Following the call for voluntary contributions launched by the Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, to face the current security challenges in our country, the population of the village of Djigouèra mobilized for the peace effort. .

An envelope worth 750,000 CFA francs was given by the Chief of the village of Djigouèra, Salia Traoré to the High Commissioner of the province of Kénédougou, Saidou Sakira, as their contribution.

According to the village chief of Djigouèra, the fight against terrorism requires the contribution of all the daughters and sons of the country.

He clarified that this is what their gesture is in line with.

The High Commissioner of the Kénédougou province, Saidou Sakira, welcomed the initiative positively and expressed
his gratitude and that of the government to the donors.

Sakira invited other villages in the province to follow the example of Djigouèra.

Source: Burkina Information Agency