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Kénédougou/Kéné-Fashion days 2023: A successful bet

Ouagadougou: The city of the orchard vibrated from December 20 to 22, 2023 to the rhythm of the 6th edition of Kéné-Fashion days 2023, around the theme: ‘Contribution of fashion players in the fight against insecurity in economic development and social cohesion actions for better living together.’

For the promoter of Kéné-Fashion days 2023, Ben Idriss Kélètigui Traoré, the event is the showcase of fashion in Kénédougou.

‘The theme of the 6th edition challenges us all on the role of fashion players in economic development and the promotion of social cohesion for better living together,’ he said.

The representative of the godmother, Alphonse Hien, rejoiced with the organizers about the effective holding of this edition of kéné-Fashion and then invited everyone to take ownership of this fashion festival.

On behalf of the High Commissioner who was unable to attend, the Secretary General of the Kénédougou province, Bassama Ko, thanked the promoter and his team for the efforts made in organizing this activity d
edicated to the promotion of clothing fashion in the fruit capital. from Burkina.

Kéné-Fashion days 2023 was marked by several activities including exhibitions, a fashion show and performances by local artists.

For promoter Ben Idriss Traoré, the 6th edition of Kéné-Fashion days 2023 is a winning bet.
Source: Burkina Information Agency