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Kénédougou: Governor Mariama Konaté speaks with the forces

The governor of the Hauts-Bassins region, Mariama Konaté/Gnanou, made a contact tour on Monday January 15, 2024 in Orodara in the province of Kénédougou. In addition to the visits, she took advantage of her stay to exchange with the active forces of the province.

The stay of the governor of the Hauts-Bassins region Mariama Konaté/Gnanou, on Monday January 15, 2024 in Orodara in the province of Kénédougou was not easy.

For his first outing in the province, several activities were included in his program. One of the highlights of this tour was the exchange meeting with the active forces of the province which took place in the conference room of the town hall of Orodara.

On this occasion, the High Commissioner of the province of Kénédougou, Saïdou Sakira, welcomed the choice made for his territorial entity.

He assured the availability of all the active forces of the province to support him in his development policy in the Hauts-Bassins region and in particular in the province of Kénédougou.

While welcoming
the strong mobilization and the welcome given to her, Governor Mariama Konaté/Gnanou indicated that it has been roughly three months since she was entrusted with the reins of administrative management of the Hauts- Basins.

‘While it is true that this constitutes a promotion for me as a state official, it must be recognized that this is a real challenge to take up in this context marked by insecurity and instability of all kinds. This challenge, whatever my abilities and my will, I would not be able to take it on alone without your support and accompaniment,’ she admitted.

Hence this stay, she said, in the fruit capital of Burkina to seek support to best accomplish this mission, to the great happiness of all the souls who live in the regional territory and beyond.

During the discussions, Mariama Konaté/Gnanou invited all the sons and daughters of the province to unite around what is essential.

In this regard, she made it known that the priorities of the Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, are unambiguou

According to her, it is about the total reconquest of the territorial integrity of our country, the achievement of food self-sufficiency, the fight against corruption in all its forms and socio-economic development.

Added to this is the adoption of the presidential initiative for agricultural production 2023-2024 which would allow the development of 11,000 hectares in order to achieve a production of 190,000 tonnes of cereals and vegetables.

For the governor, all these initiatives constitute proof of all the interest that the government places in the security and food sovereignty of Burkina Faso.

Thus, she urged all producers in the province of Kénédougou to take ownership of each of these government initiatives and to become more committed to achieving the results of the expected objectives.

Despite the difficult security context, the first administrative manager of the Hauts-Bassins region also praised the resilience and bravery of the local populations.

‘We still remember the attack on Samorogouan
in October 2015 and those that followed a little more recently. Despite everything, you have remained resilient and it is with great admiration that I note the numerous development initiatives in the province of Kénédougou,’ she declared.

There was no shortage of active forces who drew the attention of the first person in charge of the region to some of the difficulties they experience on a daily basis.

They concern problems linked to road infrastructure, security, health, water, trade, agriculture and livestock.

To all these concerns, the governor and his collaborators have provided some answers.

The governor of the Hauts-Bassins region took advantage of her stay in Kénédougou to also exchange with the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) fiercely engaged in the defense of the national territory.

She encouraged them to keep this same dynamism. From the customary authorities, she requested their support and blessings for the return of peace to the land of upright men.

Mariama Konaté/Gnanou also visited the
Presta Sud/Babali company specializing in the manufacture of mineral water and soft drinks in Orodara.

Source: Burkina Information Agency