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Kénédougou/CEP-BEPC 2024: The starting point given by the High Commissioner of the province


The High Commissioner of the province of Kénédougou, Saïdou Sakira, launched this Tuesday, June 4, 2024 in Diéri, the written tests of the CEP and BEPC, 2024 session. 7,821 candidates for the CEP and 4,811 at BEPC take part in these exams.

In Diéri, a locality located 12 km from Orodara, the High Commissioner of the Kénédougou province, Saïdou Sakira, at the head of the provincial delegation, went respectively to school “A” and to the high school for the launch of the CEP and BEPC , 2024 session, Tuesday June 4, 2024.

In the province of Kénédougou, a total of 7,821 candidates are going to conquer the CEP, session of 2024, distributed in 49 centers and 14 juries.

At the BEPC level, there are 4,811 registered, including 2,600 girls and 2,211 boys spread across 18 juries and 36 secondary centers.

According to the head of the Kénédougou province, his presence in Diéri was intended firstly to encourage the students in the name of the highest authorities of this country but also to understand the smooth runnin
g of the exams.

Addressing the candidates, Mr. Sakira informed them that the tests which will be administered to them are subjects that they had to study during the school year.

He invited them to remain calm and then wished them good luck.

After Diéri, the head of the Kénédougou province and his delegation headed to the André Dupont Children’s Center in Orodara, for the launch of the Professional Qualification Certificate (CQP) in tailoring which registered 52 candidates.

Source: Burkina Information Agency