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Kaya: The 19th promotion of ISTIC offers food and non-food items to IDPs


Ouagadougou, (AIB)-The 19th promotion of students from the Institute of Information and Communication Sciences and Techniques (ISTIC) delivered, on Saturday, December 9, 2023, to the Kaya sector 1 medical center (Centre-North), a batch of food and non-food items for displaced women and children, the AIB learned.

The donation consists of clothing for women and children, blankets, cans of liquid soap and bags of rice.

The objective is to support these people who had to leave their villages on the run due to insecurity to reach the regional capital of the Center-North.

It was within the maternity ward of the Kaya Sector 1 Medical Center that the donation was given to internally displaced women from, among others, Bouroum, Pissila, Ouanobé and Dablo.

“The 19th promotion of ISTIC felt challenged by the situation of these displaced women and children in particular and wanted to express their compassion, their support and show their solidarity with them. A call for contributions was therefore launched within the promotion. It made it possible to collect money and clothes from families or friends in order to bring, just a little, comfort to those who, from one day to the next, found themselves destitute and without shelters, against their will,” suggested Mahamadi Tiegna, spokesperson for the promotion.

“We realize that what we bring is only a drop in the ocean compared to the immensity of the needs but as Mother Theresa so well illustrated” if this drop did not exist, the ‘ocean would be missing’,” he added.

Mahamadi Tiegna took the opportunity to salute the commitment of all his classmates who did not hesitate to speak their hearts in order to relieve their fellow citizens who are in almost absolute need.

In this cold period, warm clothes for women and children, soap and rice were brought by the day’s visitors.

“We say thank you for having this idea to help these people who often come here with nothing. We would like to reassure you that your donation will reach the recipients,” stressed the Major of the Kaya Sector 1 Medical Center, Mr. Abdoulaye Sankara to the beneficiaries.

“It is this type of donation that we are missing,” recalled the representative of the Regional Directorate of Humanitarian Action, Ms. Fataya Tankoano/Zabré.

“We receive internally displaced people every day who come seeking help; but we do not have kits on site to satisfy them. It’s difficult for us. We are honored by this donation,” she added.

Present on the scene, the women, through their representative, thanked the delegation of the 19th promotion of ISTIC students.

“May God give you the strength, the means and the will to continue to support us. May peace return to our country so that we can return to our homes in the village,” she said.

The 19th class (2005-2007) is made up of around forty students who left ISTIC in 2007 after two years of training in information and communication professions.

The North-Central region has, since 2016, been the target of terrorist attacks which have caused the displacement of numerous populations mainly towards Kaya, the regional capital.

A situation which has, at the same time, led to a humanitarian crisis that the country is trying to curb.

Source: Burkina Information Agency