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Israel decries UN General Assembly resolution

Israel has rejected a new UN General Assembly resolution demanding that it withdraw from the Palestinian territories, calling the document a “parade of stupidity” and the General Assembly “political theater,” according to a statement by the Jewish state’s Foreign Ministry.

“Israel rejects the distorted and out-of-touch decision of the General Assembly and thanks the major countries of the world that did not join the parade of stupidity that took place today in New York.”

“The political theater known as the ‘UN General Assembly’ today adopted a distorted decision, disconnected from reality, encouraging terrorism and harming the chances of peace. This is what is called being isolated from the facts. This is what is called cynical international politics,” the statement said.

The ministry also said that the document adopted by the General Assembly “tells the world a one-sided fabricated story that does not address the countless bloody terrorist attacks against the citizens of the Jewish state” and “ignores th
e reality, the security needs of Israel and terrorism against its citizens.” “The Assembly’s decision gives new strength and momentum to the terrorist organization Hamas and the terrorist state of Iran that stands behind it. This decision sends a signal that terrorism pays and leads to advantageous international solutions. The resolution will only encourage Hamas’ reluctance to reach an agreement to release the abductees and to establish a ceasefire [in the Gaza Strip] and will postpone the possibility of reaching this agreement.”

Furthermore, Tel Aviv believes that the General Assembly resolution “torpedoes the foundations of any attempt to find a peaceful solution to the conflict” and “is contrary to the fundamental principle underlying all peace agreements and settlements reached so far between Israel and its neighbors, which stipulates that the solution of the conflict can only be achieved through direct negotiations between the parties.”

“That being said, all those interested in peace must speak out ag
ainst the decision adopted today by the UN. The Palestinian Authority, which took the initiative for this decision, does not want to establish peace, but to discredit Israel. The Palestinian Authority is deploying a campaign whose objective is not to resolve the conflict, but to harm Israel. Israel will respond appropriately,” the ministry stressed.

New resolution on Palestine

The United Nations General Assembly has voted in favor of a draft resolution submitted by Palestine to demand that Israel comply with the ruling of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and leave the occupied Palestinian territories within a year.

The resolution was voted for by 124 states, including Russia, Belgium, Brazil, China, France and Qatar, while 14 countries opposed it, including Hungary, Israel, the United States and the Czech Republic. In addition, 43 countries abstained. To be adopted, the resolution needed a two-thirds majority vote.

General Assembly resolutions, unlike Security Council documents, have no legally bi
nding force.

Source: Burkina Information Agency