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Ioba: The high commissioner of the Ioba province invites CEP candidates to have serenity.


The High Commissioner of Ioba province, Bernadette Adenyo née Sermé, officially launched the primary education certificate (CEP) exams, this Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at the Dakolé center in Dano.

The composition of the written, oral and sports tests for the certificate of primary studies (CEP) began in the province of Ioba like other localities in Burkina. The High Commissioner of Ioba, Bernadette Adenyo/Sermé, officially launched the tests at the Dreyer municipal school in Dano.

She was accompanied by a large delegation. Within this school, make up the candidates from the Dakolé center with 360 registered candidates.

The first official from the province arrived at this center at 7:10 a.m. All the candidates present were already in the room. The head of the CEB, Romaric Somé, the president of the jury, Poda Sami, and the president of the center, Léon Pierre Hien led the delegation of the high commissioner to room 7 for the opening of the envelope of the first test , writing.

Addressing the candidates, Ms. Ad
enyo encouraged them to work well. She invited all the candidates to remain calm and serene throughout the composition to avoid unnecessary mistakes.

‘The whole nation with its head, the President of Faso, is counting on you. You are the future administrators of this country,’ she announced to the candidates of the CEP session of 2024.

The Ioba High Commissioner opened the editorial proof envelope. This year’s topic is: “Among the stories you have already read or listened to, tell the most interesting one.”

She congratulated the teachers and supervisors for their hard work during this school year. She called the attention of all those involved in the organization of school examinations to demonstrate integrity, to follow instructions to the letter and not to exceed their responsibilities.

The first official of the Ioba province presented a mission from the Ministry of National Education who came to supervise the CEP exam in Dano.

According to the head of the mission, Kayaba Natama, the role of supervisor
s is to ensure that all instructions are respected.

This puts all candidates in good conditions and with equal opportunities, he continued.

‘Supervisors must also collect difficulties to improve future sessions,’ added Mr. Natama.

The provincial director of preschool, primary and non-formal education (DPEPPNF) of Ioba, Adama Néya, reassured that everything is taking place normally in the 10 juries of the province of Ioba.

A total of 5,665 candidates are registered for the CEP and entry into the sixth session of 2024. They compose in 30 centers and 119 classrooms are used for composition. There are 198 schools presenting candidates for this session of the CEP, said Adama Néya.

He congratulated all those who worked for the effective start of this review

Source:Burkina Information Agency