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Ioba: The 5th edition of the cultural and artistic animation days of Ouéssa (JACAO) launched in Dissihn

The secretary general of the Ioba province, André Lankoandé, officially launched the 5th edition of the Ouéssa Cultural and Artistic Animation Days (JACAO), on Saturday February 24, 2024 in Dissihn, in the presence of promoter Aly Maïga and many guests.

The 2024 edition of JACAO is placed under the theme: ‘Cultural diversity in schools, a vector of social cohesion, peace and citizenship in a context of insecurity’.

Formerly open to middle schools, high schools and training centers in the commune of Ouéssa only, this edition has been extended to establishments in the seven other communes of the province of Ioba.

A total of 19 establishments registered for the competitions in traditional Dagara dance, clothing art with the fashion show and Dagara linguistic purity. In addition, the election of the Miss Provincial of Ioba is planned this year.

The launch ceremony was punctuated by interventions, entertainment by musical artists and performances in traditional dance and Dagara linguistic purity.

The land chi
ef of Dissihn made blessings for the smooth running of the cultural competitions. For the prefect, president of the special municipal delegation of Dissihn, Benjamin Nana, we must combine culture and studies for the training of virtuous citizens.

The promoter of the JACAOs, the CEO of the Aly Maïga et fils (EMAF) companies, Aly Maïga, recalled that the JACAOs were initially intended for adults. It was in the 2023 edition that this cultural event concerned the students. The theme of this 5th edition was chosen taking into account the national security context.

According to Aly Maïga, cultural diversity in schools can help fight against prejudice, discrimination and intolerance. This promotes the construction of a more inclusive and harmonious society, he added.

‘Our goal is to allow students to return to their roots,’ underlined the promoter.

‘We want to make JACAO a reference in the cultural world of Ioba in particular and the southwest in general. » he mentioned. He thanked the provincial and municipal a
uthorities of Ioba for their support.

The secretary general of Ioba province, André Lankoandé, congratulated the promoter of JACAO for this happy initiative. For him, this festival constitutes a unifying framework for schools in the Ioba province. He also welcomed the opening to students from other establishments in the province.

He stressed that the JACAOs are an opportunity for schoolchildren to demonstrate the wealth of their talent in various disciplines.

He thanked all the technical services which accompany the organization of this cultural activity which aims for academic excellence while making culture a lever.

Source: Burkina Information Agency