Categories Athletic

‘I experienced my tenure with a lot of emotion’ (Stéphane Aziz Ki)

Ouagadougou: Burkina Faso Stallions striker Stéphane Aziz Ki, starting against the Mourabitoune of Mauritania on Tuesday, says he experienced this posture with a lot of emotion.

‘I experienced my tenure with a lot of emotion. We worked for that and I was proud,’ declared Etalons striker Stéphane Aziz Ki a little earlier before the start of the training session this Wednesday, January 17 in Bouaké.

The Young Africans member was preferred to Gustavo Sangaré who is lacking playing time at his French club Quevilly Rouen Métropole. But in the match against Mauritania the nominal Burkinabe left-hander was not flamboyant. He was even replaced during the second half by Assane Bandé.

He learned from his performance in this CAN match in a country where he was born and for him, currently ‘the most important thing is to recover from yesterday’s match and to work to be ready on D-day’ of the next match, against Algeria .

‘We see this match against Algeria like all the other matches. There is no small team. There is no
small issue.’ Algeria is said to be the black beast of Burkina, but Aziz Ki does not share this point of view ‘because each generation has its history and we too have our history. It’s up to us to go and get our result.’

‘We will work for that while remaining positive.’ The heat (2 pm, match time) will not be a handicap in achieving this result. Because for Ki ‘the temperature is for both teams. It will be the team that is the best motivated that will win.’

Burkina Faso and Algeria have already met twice in the CAN final phase. In 1996 the Fennecs won by a score of 2 goals to 1 and in 1998 the Etalons also won by the same score of 2-1.

Source: Burkina Information Agency