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Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in Bogandé for a march in support of the Transition

Bogandé: The populations of the province of Gnagna expressed

their support for the transition, the defense and security forces (FDS) and the volunteers for the defense of the homeland (VDP) during a march/meeting on Saturday January 27 , 2024

From the entrance to the city on the north side precisely in front of the headquarters of the self-defense groups, passing through the camp, to the prefecture of Bogandé, the marches chanted slogans in favor of the transition, the FDS and VDPs.

It was at the prefecture that the president of the self-defense groups, Djingri Lankoandé, the spokesperson for the demonstrators, delivered his message to the local authorities and the thousands of people mobilized for this purpose.

» Since Comrade Captain Ibrahim TRAORE took power, we have been able to observe his determination to forge a better future for the Burkinabé people. This is why we affirm this morning our total commitment in the eyes of all citizens throughout the world. unfailing support and invite all patriots t
o active participation in order to build together a new Burkina worthy of a country of honest men. “did he declare.

On the occasion, the spokesperson pleads for a strengthening of security measures and the continuation of providing the FDS and VDP with necessary resources, the effective deployment in the coming days of the Rapid Intervention Battalion (BIR) to begin a fierce fight against terrorists and resettle displaced populations.

He also hoped that the thousands of young people waiting to be enlisted in the ranks of the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland could find satisfaction. To reflect their support, the demonstrators gave the local authorities a financial envelope of 1,500,000 francs for the peace effort.

The provincial director of the national police of Gnagna Issa Congo, representing the high commissioner who received the marches, expressed his satisfaction for the initiative and the contribution to the patriotic support fund. In doing so, he thanked all the populations before urging
them for more collaboration with the FDS and VDP.

Source: Burkina Information Agency