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Houndé: Young people and women develop the local development action plan

The association of women in the mining sector of Burkina organized from December 27 to 30, 2023, a participatory action research workshop for the development of local development action plans for the benefit of 30 young people and women from the commune of Houndé.

The association of women in the mining sector of Burkina Faso (AFEMIB) wants greater involvement of young people and women in the local development process in mining communities.

To this end, it organized from December 27 to 30, 2023, a capacity building workshop for members of civil society associations of young people and women in the mining commune of Houndé for the development of their action plans. Resource people also took part.

The opening of the work took place on December 27, 2027 and was chaired by the 1st vice-president of the special delegation, Nazi Bani.

AFEMIB members were delighted with the mobilization of young people, women, resource people and administrative authorities for this workshop.

According to the president of AFEMIB
, Ms. Kabré Lucie, this activity is a very important program of their association.

AFEMIB wants the municipalities benefiting from the local development mining fund to take into account the projects of women and young people in the municipal development plans.

Also, this fund only takes into account well-developed structuring projects while most CSOs and associations of young people and women in rural areas do not have the necessary skills to develop such an action plan. .

AFEMIB, through its initiative, wants to facilitate the consideration of the needs of these target groups in the community development framework.

Over four days, participants together identified the needs of young people and women and considered solutions.

The work resulted in the production of an action plan which is a reference of their deep aspirations.

To achieve this, the participants followed several communications with modules on the duties and obligations of municipalities, authorities and populations.

Themes on peace and soc
ial cohesion were also taught by trainer Issa Nombré, specializing in human rights and gender.

The participants expressed their satisfaction with the themes discussed which will strengthen their participation in the development of their locality.

The 1st vice-president of the special delegation, Nazi Bani expressed the gratitude of the commune of Houndé to AFEMIB. He also called for other training for women and young people. AFEMIB initiated the same workshop in five mining communes.

The president

‘We are proud to have been able to provide something more to young people and women for their full participation in local development,’ said its president, Ms. Kabré.

She also urged the authorities to take into account the needs of all targets in local development.

AFEMIB is supported in its approach by the project to support the strengthening of land and mining management (PARGFM).

Source: Burkina Information Agency