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Houet: 249 firefighters ready to rescue or perish for the homeland

Bobo-Dioulasso: The National Firefighters School hosted the official ceremony marking the end of basic initial training for the 21st promotion of firefighters, on Friday February 16, 2024 in Bobo-Dioulasso. With 249 student firefighters, the promotion was named ‘Abnegation’.

The trainees of the 21st promotion of firefighters are now able to carry out the missions entrusted to them. In fact, they made their exit on Friday February 16, 2024, in Bobo-Dioulasso.

Arriving at the National Firefighting Academy on July 2, 2023, with a staff of 250 students after six months of initial military training at the Armed Forces Training Group (GIFA), there are today 249 firefighter students, including 25 female military personnel who successfully completed the training after a resignation which was accepted by the hierarchy.

According to the commander, Blaise Waongo, the acquisition of a military spirit, hardening and improvement of physical skills were the objectives of this initial military training.

According to him,
these young sappers are ready to serve or die for the security of our country, Burkina Faso. Hence the baptismal name of the promotion ‘Abnegation’.

‘They can be sure that the training they have received will enable them to hold their various positions. Both within fire units and in combat, they can liberate Burkina Faso,’ explained Blaise Waongo.

Thus, he urged the young engineers to demonstrate courage and bravery on the ground.

‘Today ends your Basic Initial Training, so go, love and exercise with great love this noble profession that you have chosen,’ he said.

For him, this training will allow them to succeed in their various missions.

‘Both, within the fire units, and in combat, they can liberate Burkina Faso,’ he said.

As for the battalion chief, Colonel Commander Naon Daba, he expressed his gratitude to his hierarchy and the management of the fire brigade for the efforts made for the success of this training.

According to the promotion delegate, Manacé Lakoandé, the training was not easy.

r six months of hard work at GIFA, we were sent to the National Firefighters School, where we learned a lot about first aid, swimming and putting out fires,’ he said. explain.

Source: Burkina Information Agency