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Heavy rains cause the deaths of 7 in Baardheere district in Gedo region

Heavy rains in Somalia’s Gedo region in Jubbaland State caused the deaths of seven and the destruction of properties in Baardheere district. The death toll from floods in Baardhere district has risen to 7, including three members of the same family. Water swept away many homes while people were sleeping last night. Mursal M. khalif, a member of the House of the People of the Federal Government said, ‘the scale of devastation is massive and requires an immense humanitarian response’ The Minister of Internal Security of the Federal Government of Somalia, H.E Mohamed Sheikh Ali (Doodishe) gave a full report to Radio Mogadishu on the situation of Baardheere district, talked about the loss of lives due to the conflicts, droughts, and rains that caused floods. The Minister said that there is an urgent need for humanitarian assistance in the area to prevent more deaths. Minister for Relief of Somalia’s Jubbaland State, Ahmed Hassan Omar also appeals for an urgent humanitarian response for the people affected by the severe flooding in Bardhere district. ‘The people displaced by the floods need immediate assistance in terms of food and shelter’ he said. The Juba River breached parts of its embankment in Baardhere District in Gedo region, flooding local homes and forcing residents to swim for their lives. This is the second time in 10 days that the region has been hit by heavy floods.

Source: Somali National News Agency