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Gourma/Wet agricultural campaign 2024-2025: The governor of the Eastern region visits fields and rice paddies

As part of the 2024-2025 wet agricultural campaign, the governor of the Eastern region, Ram Joseph Kafando, visited fields in the communes of Diapangou and Fada N’Gourma on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, to see the achievements of the producers.

One of the challenges of the power of the President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, is socio-political and economic sovereignty.

Achieving this sovereignty can only be effective through food self-sufficiency.

This is why the Burkinabe State has invested colossal resources in the agro-sylvo-pastoral sector.

For this 2024-2025 wet agricultural campaign, the governor of the Eastern region, Ram Joseph Kafando, paid a visit on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, to see the achievements of producers in the communes of Diapangou and several sectors of the city of Fada N’Gourma.

As part of the agro-pastoral and fisheries offensive, the expected plant production for the Eastern region is 619,562 tonnes of cereals, 146,085 tonnes of cash crops and 185,172 tonnes of food crops.

To achieve these agricultural yields, the Burkinabe government provided producers and umbrella organizations in this region with 16 tractors which plowed 10 hectares, 3,300 tons of fertilizer and 357 tons of seeds of improved varieties.

Still, for these producers, the State has developed 835 hectares of lowlands.

In addition, they benefited from the restoration, preservation and conservation of 740 hectares.

In a village in Diapangou and in sectors 2 and 9 of Fada N’Gourma, the governor of the Eastern region and his delegation witnessed the achievements of these producers who benefited from support from the Burkinabe State and noted the progress of the agricultural campaign in the rice fields, corn fields, cowpeas and other crops.

According to the regional director in charge of Agriculture in the East, Bassirou Mandé, the physiognomy of this agricultural campaign is going well because millet and sorghum are at the 75% earing stage.

Also, he added, out of 14 rainfall stations, 10 are in surplus.

Burkina Information Agency