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Gourma: Scarcity of butane gas and charcoal, an ordeal for the population

Ouagadougou: Faced with the difficult security context in the Eastern region, firewood, charcoal and butane gas have become rare, which constitutes an ordeal for the population in recent times in the city of Yendabili. The prices of these products have suddenly skyrocketed and the bag of charcoal which sold for 4,000 CFA francs is trading at 10,500 CFA francs in places.

Several weeks ago, residents of the town of Fada N’Gourma were struggling to obtain energy for cooking meals.

Firewood, charcoal and butane gas became scarce in the market place and suddenly experienced a price spike.

The bag of charcoal which sold for 4,000 CFA francs sells for 10,500 CFA francs per place.

The ‘Fadalais’ express their dismay.

Student Safiatou Tandamba missed class today to go in search of butane gas.

‘Yesterday, I stayed from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the butane gas sales point. I returned empty-handed despite the reservation made three (03) weeks ago. I have nothing for cooking the meal,’ she said.

According to the student,
the price of the butane gas bottle has increased.

‘The 6kg bottle which sold for 2,400 F CFA sells today between 2,750 and 3,000 F CFA,’ added Ms. Tandamba.

She argued that insecurity and restrictions linked to the fight against terrorism could justify the shortage of firewood and charcoal.

In the same vein, Raki Lankoandé came to obtain two bottles of butane gas.

‘I spent several nights without sleep due to lack of energy for cooking. Today I am relieved because I paid for two bottles of butane gas. We can’t find firewood. When you find it, the price is exorbitant,’ said Ms. Lankoandé.

Boubacar Sinambou explained that his state of health does not allow him to wash with fresh water.

‘Except recently, we can’t find either wood or gas,’ added Mr. Sinambou.

It’s not easy for him, he said, and hopes that “the Burkinabe state should help us resolve this energy problem.”

Source: Burkina Information Agency