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Gourma/Education : L’Association Todi Yaba récompense 24 meilleurs élèves déplacés internes


The Todi Yaba Association rewards 24 best internally displaced students

Fada N’Gourma, (AIB)-The Todi Yaba Association for Development (ATYD), rewarded, on August 5, 2024 in the city of Yendabili, 24 best internally displaced students from the commune of Kantchari living in Fada N’Gourma .

As part of their activities to combat ignorance, the Todi Yaba Association for Development (ATYD), magnified the efforts and resilience in the school work of 24 internally displaced students from the commune of Kantchari living in Kantchari, on August 5, 2024 in Fada N’Gourma.

Each of the distinguished students received dignity kits and school kits consisting of notebooks, pens and compendiums.

The best in the 2024 baccalaureate exam obtains in addition to these kits, an ordinary one worth 300,000 F CFA and a bicycle for that of the BEPC.

In addition to recognizing the merits of the students, the ATYD supported 410 internally displaced students spending their school holidays far from their parents with 25 kg of rice.

According to the president of the Association, Kanlanfé Fidèle Ouôba, their actions aim to encourage these children who fled their locality because of insecurity to continue their schooling.

Citing a popular adage ‘If you want to destroy a country, you only need to destroy its school system’, he added that the current security situation has had a lot of negative repercussions in education, therefore, their objective is to contribute to keep children in school until the end of their normal school curriculum.

The ATYD has planned the training of 190 internally displaced students in IT, saponification and the manufacture of ‘KOKODUNDA’ loincloths and some will benefit from a sum of 25,000 CFA francs to carry out income-generating activities (AGR).

The best internally displaced student in the 2024 baccalaureate exam that the association rewarded, is the first regionally in series C with an average of 16.15/20.

The president of the special Partiaga/Tapoa delegation, Charles Nikiéma, also representative of the
High Commissioner, praised the actions of the ATYD towards students.

He invited the daughters and sons of this locality to follow suit for the happiness of the population.

Source: Burkina Information Agency