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Gnagna/Solidarity: An association offers food worth 3,600,000 FCFA to 240 households in Piéla


The Departmental Association for Economic and Social Development of Piéla offered, Thursday March 21, 2024 to Piéla in the province of Gnagna in the Eastern region, white corn worth 3,600. 000 FCFA to 240 households of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and vulnerable people in the locality.

The Departmental Association for the Economic and Social Development of Piéla (ADDESP) intends to contribute significantly to the peace effort. She donated around thirty tonnes of food worth 3,600,000 FCFA for the benefit of Internally Displaced People (IDPs) and vulnerable people in the commune of Piéla.

The food was purchased from the National Food Security Stock Management Company (SO.NA.GE.SS) and made available to the beneficiaries.

The delivery of the food took place on Thursday March 21, 2024 in the presence of the administrative authorities at the ADDESP headquarters located in sector 2 of Piéla. According to the president of ADDESP, Jérémie Lankoandé, this donation aims to alleviate the burden of IDPs and vul
nerable people who experience enormous difficulties in feeding themselves.

Once again, he launched a vibrant appeal to the daughters and sons of the town of Piéla as well as all those of good will for more support for vulnerable people.

In total, 240 households, i.e. 200 IDP households and 40 households of vulnerable people, benefited from the donation. Each household received between 2 to 3 50 kg bags of corn depending on its size, for a duration of two months of ration. To do this, the departmental social service is responsible for distributing food according to the standards recommended by the National Council for Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation (CONASUR).

For Dahandi Dori, head of household beneficiary of the donation, the gesture is beneficial. Thanking donors, he pleaded with the administrative and military authorities for a return of all internally displaced people to their respective localities.

Visibly the chain of solidarity continues unabated in various localities. The representative of the
president of the special municipal delegation of Piéla, Ali Belemou, took the opportunity to thank the ADDESP for the multiple actions undertaken in the community. Given the number and living conditions of IDPs and certain vulnerable groups, Ali Belemou invited all the daughters and sons of the Piéla department to mobilize more in order to increase this type of action.

In addition to food, fuel worth 600,000 FCFA was given to the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP) and pharmaceutical products to the Piéla Health District.

Source: Burkina Information Agency