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Gnagna/Provincial Consultation Framework: The VALPAPE program presents the results of its activities to the statutory members

Ouagadougou: The statutory members of the Provincial Consultation Framework (CCP) of Gnagna in the Eastern region met on Thursday, December 28, 2023 in Fada N’Gourma in ordinary session, to take stock of the activities of the Valorization of Agro-Pastoral Potential in Eastern Burkina (VALPAPE) program. The High Commissioner, Jean Baptiste Béogo, chaired the work.

The statutory members of the Gnagna Provincial Consultation Framework (CCP) held their 3rd ordinary session on Thursday, December 28, 2023 to take note of the results of the activities of the Valorization of Agro-Pastoral Potential in Eastern Burkina (VALPAPE) program. The main activities carried out boil down to graduation, the creation of infrastructure, training of producers on the management of production sites, on above-ground production techniques and processing.

According to Ms. Kiema B Micheline of the VALPAPE program, the execution rate of activities is estimated at 80% for an overall budget of 106,280,300 francs. “We will improve the moni
toring of achievements and evaluate the effects of the program’s intervention on the ground,” she confided. For the activities not carried out, she reassured that they would be rescheduled in 2024.

For better appropriation of decentralization, participants in the 3rd session of the CCP/Gnagna followed a communication on the role of decentralization actors. It was provided by, Mendien known as Moussa Soma, Secretary General of the province.

He insisted on the role of each actor in the objective of stimulating local development and rooting democracy at the grassroots.

The High Commissioner, Jean Baptiste Béogo, urged all stakeholders to be more engaged in the implementation of development activities but also in the management of public affairs. He welcomed the effective participation of members before wishing them a happy new year 2024.
Source: Burkina Information Agency