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Gnagna/BAC 2024 review: Results up 12% compared to the last session

The results of the second round of the Baccalaureate session of 2024, were announced on Wednesday July 3, 2024 in all the centers of the province of Gnagna. At the end of the two rounds, the success rate is 45.10%, an increase of more than 12% compared to the last session.

According to statistics communicated by the Examinations and Competitions Service (SEC) of the Provincial Directorate of Post-Primary and Secondary Education of Gnagna, out of the 774 registered candidates, 765 actually took part in the baccalaureate exam session of 2024 in the 4 centers in the province of Gnagna. In the final result, 345 candidates including 192 boys and 153 girls were declared admitted, representing an overall success rate of 45.10%.

In the first round Gnagna had a 27.32% success rate. It rose to 45.10% at the end of the second round, a jump of 17.78%.

Comparing the results of this session to that of 2023, the province of Gnagna is clearly progressing by 12.89 points.

Source: Burkina Information Agency