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Gnagna: An economic operator offers food and soap to IDPs in Bilanga

The economic operator, Dahandi Lankoandé, also Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Tienu Yaaba Company (ETY), handed over on Thursday to Bilanga, 20 tonnes of food and boxes of soap, with a total value of 5 million FCFA to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the rural commune of Bilanga, in the province of Gnagna (East).

The donation from the economic operator, Dahandi Lankoandé and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Tienu Yaaba Company (ETY) is composed of 400 bags of corn of 50 kg and 30 boxes of soap, with a total value of 5 million FCFA.

The food delivery ceremony was chaired by the president of the special municipal delegation, Amadou Sanogo, in the presence of administrative, military and customary authorities as well as beneficiaries.

For the donor, Dahandi Lankoandé, who is not making his first gesture, each citizen must be sensitive to the living conditions of the displaced.

‘Beyond supporting IDPs, I want, through this donation, to encourage other economic operators to do useful work by s
upporting local authorities in providing multifaceted assistance to internally displaced persons,’ he maintained.

The President of the special municipal delegation of Bilanga, Amadou Sanogo, expressed the recognition of his community to the donor for his humanism towards the IDPs of Bilanga. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Mr. Sanogo invited other goodwill to follow in the footsteps of the CEO of the ETY.

The donor’s gesture was also welcomed by the spokesperson for the IDPs of Bilanga, Dimanchi Lankoandé. Mr. Lankoandé also hoped that all IDPs would be resettled in their respective localities.

Source: Burkina Information Agency