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Gaoua: Pan-Africanists organize citizen vigil at the ‘Ibrahim Traoré roundabout’

Ouagadougou: A coalition of five pan-Africanist movements has been organizing, since December in Gaoua, a citizen watch to support the Transition and deter the ‘enemies’ of the Burkinabè people, the AIB learned on Friday from a media source.

Since last December, indicates a report on public television, young people from the coalition of pan-Africanist movements have camped every evening until early morning at a roundabout in Gaoua that they have named ‘Ronde-point Ibrahim Traoré’, in order to ensure pro -transition citizen monitoring.

‘We decided to name a roundabout in the name of the president in view of the results achieved by the Transition through the FDS, the VDP and because of the courageous decisions taken by the Burkinabe transition,’ said the spokesperson for the Transition. coalition of Pan-African Movements of the South West René Pooda.

According to Mr. Pooda, the citizen watch that they are organizing ‘must allow the enemy to know that it is not the Burkinabè transition alone that they are fac
ing but the entire Burkinabè Nation and especially the Burkinabè youth’.

The squatters of the ‘Ibrahim Traoré roundabout’ intend to go far in their movement in support of the Transition and affirm that nothing will distract them from their dynamic.

‘Attention to the internal and external enemies of the Transition because we are always alert and monitoring all suspicious movements in order to report to the appropriate person so that actions can be taken,’ said René Pooda.

Since a foiled coup attempt against the current Transition, several support movements have been organizing vigils around roundabouts and other nerve centers in large and medium-sized cities.

In Ouagadougou, the capital, the United Nations roundabout has also been renamed ‘Ibrahim Traoré roundabout’ for several months by the Transition sentinels, sometimes nicknamed ‘Wan-yiyan’ or ‘Irissi’.

Source: Burkina Information Agency