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Fight against violent extremism: FDS and populations reflect on better collaboration

Sixty-four representatives of the defense and security forces (FDS) and local populations were in conclave in Dori, on September 19, 2024, under the aegis of the NGO Réseau Afrique Jeunesse (RAJ) and the Regional Committee of Sahel Unions (CRUS), in order to find a modus vivendi of collaboration to strengthen cohesion between the different social classes of the Sahel region and better prevent violent extremism.

This regional forum is placed under the theme ‘Local populations and FDS: the same security vision’.

It is part of the implementation of the project “All together! Rebuilding social cohesion through the prevention of radicalization and the promotion of intra/intercommunity dialogue and the resilience of pastoralists in the North and Sahel regions”.

According to the project supervisor, Mr. Benjamin Moussa Sombié, this regional forum is the second of its kind organized by his structure.

According to Mr. Sombié, it is the current challenges, namely violent extremism, radicalization and terrorism, wh
ich motivated the organization of such a meeting, in order to allow the FDS and the different social classes to engage in dialogue.

He added that the activity will be marked by preliminary communications on the global vision and areas of collaboration between FDS and social groups in the prevention of violent extremism, as well as on endogenous devices and mechanisms for preventing the phenomenon in the Sahel.

The role of women and young people in preventing radicalisation will also be addressed.

Mr. Sombié concluded that the results of this forum will be disseminated to the populations of the Sahel region.

The High Commissioner of the Oudalan province, Mr. Valentin Maré, chairing the opening of the proceedings, described this initiative as commendable and urged participants to hold frank and sincere debates, in order to reach relevant conclusions likely to contribute to the fight against violent extremism and radicalization in the Sahel region.

Source: Burkina Information Agency