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Fight against terrorism: Police urged to play their role fully

Ouagadougou: The new Director General of Police, Wennélebsida Jean-Alexandre Darga, on Thursday urged his colleagues to fully play their role alongside other Forces, in the restoration of territorial integrity.

‘Every police officer can and must make his contribution (against terrorism) so that, when the trumpet of victory sounds, the police’s contribution is written in golden letters,’ declared the new director general of police national, Wennélebsida Jean-Alexandre Darga.

Mr. Darga spoke Thursday in Ouagadougou during his installation

According to Mr. Darga, the fight for the reconquest of the national territory, the security of cities and countryside, and for true national sovereignty requires the unfailing determination of the police.

This is why the boss of the police invited his colleagues to work hand in hand with the defense and security forces, volunteers for the defense of the homeland and the populations to meet the challenge of the moment.

He also paid vibrant tribute to his predecessors who
knew, through their determination, embody the function of director general of the national police.

Wennélebsida Jean-Alexandre Darga was appointed during the council of ministers on Wednesday July 17, 2024. He succeeds Inspector General of Police Roger Ouédraogo, called to other functions.

Source: Burkina Information Agency