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ENAREF: The new DG ready to take on the challenges of the institution

The new Director General of the National School of Financial Management (ENAREF), Barthélémy Dabré, said on Wednesday that he is ready to take on the major challenges of his institution with the help of his colleagues.

“With the support of all employees, we will meet the challenges of ENAREF, which include, among others, the continuation and strengthening of the process of digitalization of acts and services, educational innovation, improvement of infrastructure, and the development of international partnerships,” said Director General Barthélémy Dabré.

Mr. Barthélémy DABRE spoke on Wednesday in Ouagadougou during the handover ceremony with his predecessor Adama Badolo.

A tax inspector by training, Barthélémy Dabré held the positions of Director of Legislation and Litigation at the General Directorate of Taxes (DGI) of Burkina Faso, and Technical Assistant of the ECOWAS and UEMOA Tax Transition Support Program in Guinea Biseau.

The outgoing Director General, Adama BADOLO, for his part recalled some achie
vements during his term. These include, among others, the development and implementation of the 2020-2024 Strategic Development Plan, with an estimated achievement rate of over 96.83%, the review of initial training curricula and the operationalization of the land registry sector.

The Secretary General of the Ministry of Economy and Finance congratulated the outgoing Director General for the work accomplished while wishing the new Director General to guide with foresight and discernment in his decision-making.

Source: Burkina Information Agency