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East/Tapoa: Diapaga supplied, the population celebrating


The town of Diapaga in Tapoa was supplied after the arrival, on the night of Monday July 15 to Tuesday July 16, 2024, of a large convoy escorted by the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) . The population is jubilant.

It’s a real breath of fresh air for the residents of this city who were impatiently waiting for this supply. When the good news was announced, women, men and children gathered all along national road 19.

More than two hours of waiting, the first trucks finally entered the city to a standing ovation to pay tribute to the “boys” who, in 19 days, against all odds, managed to transport food and various goods to a population that was truly in need.

This triumphal entry of the convoy made up of around a hundred trucks lasted from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m., we learned from consistent sources.

This Tuesday, early in the morning, while some were unpacking the tarpaulins that covered the heavy goods vehicles, others were singing, dancing and chanting slogans in front of the Diapaga town hall to salute the braver
y of the FDS: ‘Long live the FDS’, ‘Long live the FDS’. the VDP’, ‘Long live the President’, ‘Long live President IB”.

With this beneficial supply, the city’s shops will be well stocked, the National Water and Sanitation Office (ONEA), mobile telephony and the internet connection whose operation is dependent on the National Electricity Company of Burkina (SONABEL) will come back to life.

Traders who engaged in ‘wild’ speculation on the prices of basic necessities were warned.

Besides Diapaga, this ‘gigantic’ convoy supplied Tanwalbougou, Ougarou, Matiacoali and Kantchari. It should supply other localities, too.

Source: Burkina Information Agency