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Dry countryside: The High Commissioner of Zondoma province encourages producers

Gourcy: As part of monitoring the 2023-2024 dry season, the High Commissioner of the Zondoma province Aboubacar Sidiki Nabé visited market garden producers in the commune of Gourcy this Tuesday, February 13 2024.

Accompanied by the Provincial Director of Agriculture, Animal and Fisheries Resources Marie Théodora Kyelem, the first stop of the visit of High Commissioner Aboubacar Sidiki Nabé was the site of Kardega a few kilometers at the eastern exit of the town of Gourcy .

On this perimeter maintained by the Pingdwendé structure, visitors were able to admire beds of cabbages, potatoes and onions in the maturity phase.

‘We have come to congratulate you and encourage you for the efforts you are making to achieve food self-sufficiency,’ declared the High Commissioner, addressing producers made up of men and women organized in cooperatives (scoop ).

After Kardega, the first person in charge of the province and his team headed for Gangourgou, still at the eastern exit of the town of Gourcy where Jean Bosco Saw
adogo was waiting for them.

Holder of a master’s degree in sociology, this young graduate who chose agriculture amazed his visitors through his farm of more than three hectares made up of papayas, onions, green beans, watermelons etc.

According to him, he is doing well and employs at least six permanent workers.

Issa Sawadogo’s farm, for its part, consists of mainly four hectares of onions.

According to him, his main difficulty lies in conservation, which he intends to resolve by building a storage facility.

The main attraction of the day was the fish farm maintained by Émile Savadogo in sector 3 of Gourcy.

For this model farmer, his average production is three tonnes of fish per year.

Satisfied with what he saw on the ground, the High Commissioner provided some advice to producers before encouraging them to persevere in their activities, the contribution of which, according to him, to the country’s economy is undeniable.

In turn, producers have encountered difficulties ranging from insufficient water
, through flow, the high cost of production, etc.

During the visit the producers each received two bags of fertilizer as encouragement from the authorities.

As a reminder, large diameter wells are used as a water source in all the sites visited.

Source: Burkina Information Agency