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CSOs congratulate the president of CODEL, Me Halidou Ouédraogo

Ouagadougou: Around twenty Burkinabè civil society organizations (CSOs) expressed their gratitude to the president of the CSO Convention for the domestic observation of elections (CODEL), Me Halidou Ouédraogo, who reached 95% of the annual objectives targeted with CODEL, the AIB learned Friday in Ouagadougou.

‘Me Halidou Ouédraogo is a baobab,’ reacted Florence Ouattara, head of the Citizen Resistance Front and member of the CODEL office. ‘Halidou Ouédraogo is a great leader, since the dawn of time, he has been fighting for a better tomorrow for his nation,’ added Arouna Toé, another actor in Burkinabe civil society.

The CSO members of CODEL presented a portrait board to the president of their umbrella organization, bearing the inscription ‘Me Halidou Ouédraogo, thank you for your commitment to democracy and good governance’.

Halidou Ouédraogo heads CODEL created in 2015 and today made up of 19 organizations and coalitions of Burkinabè civil society organizations, working to promote democracy, human rights
and peace.

In recent years, CODEL has been particularly involved in the fight against fake news by training young people and journalists but also in the management of political crises in communities and at the national level.
Source: Burkina Information Agency