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CR Belouizdad # AS Douanes : « nous sommes prêts à défendre chèrement notre acquis » selon Kamou Malo

AS Douanes coach Kamou Malo said on Thursday in Oran (Algeria) during his team’s pre-match video press conference against CR Belouizdad, counting for the second round of the CAF African Champions League preliminaries, that the Gabelous will “dearly” defend their goal lead acquired during the first leg in Bamako (1-0).

“Morale is high. We are not dealing with a thunderbolt of war. We are ready to defend our achievements early,” declared coach Kamou Malo during the video press conference in which Burkinabe journalists took part.

Coach Malo is not playing his first match on Algerian soil. He explains a lot of situations that he would have experienced during his trips to Algeria. “I especially came here to play against USMA (when he was at RCK: editor’s note), I experienced a lot of things. In Blida with the Stallions I experienced a lot of events. So I think the 3rd will be the right one, ” he says.

For him, in this match “we have to play with a lot of tact and we have our idea. We have already started to b
rief our boys. We are ready to make the opponent thwart us. We are under no pressure. The essential will be played out on the green rectangle. We have to defend first and above all not give in to the pressure.

The Gabelous DNA, the fast transition, will be applied for this return match according to the former coach of the Stallions. “Here we will be in a middle block. I will not go looking for the opponent. It is the opponent who must come towards me. We want space to launch our fast men and we will give ourselves this space from the start,” he said.

“If our midfield block is well-oiled, the opponent will have no other solution than to launch long balls and try to play the 2nd balls ,” he added, recalling that “we saw that the opponent in the first leg was very good on the wings where there was a lot of doubling and we took precautions in relation to this state of affairs.”

The match between CR Belouizdad of Algeria and AS Douanes of Burkina Faso, counting for the second round of the preliminary rounds of
the African Champions League, will be played tomorrow, Friday September 20 in Oran at 5:00 pm GMT. In the first leg match played in Bamako, Gabelous won by the smallest of margins.

Source: Burkina Information Agency