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Citizen monitoring: Regional coordination emerges in the Center-North to support the Transition


The regional coordination of citizen movements for the development of the Center-North hosted a press conference on Saturday March 23 to present their associative structure.

Launched in February 2024, the regional coordination of citizen movements for the development of the Center-North (CRMCD-CN) brings together around forty associations and movements, according to its coordinator Zakaria Sana alias Santé.

Their associative structure was presented to the press on Saturday March 23, 2024 at the center-North regional youth council room.

According to Santé, their coordination was born to support the implementation of the Transition process and support the program of the Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré in the process of reconquering the territory and rebuilding the Nation.

According to the vice-coordinator, Abdoul Aziz, the CRMCD-CN aims to be an umbrella of movements for a synergy of homogeneous actions.

Therefore, he continued, it is open to any movement or association which has the same vision as c
oordination, namely support for the Transition and their leader Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

Listening to the secretary in charge of information of the CRMCD-CN, Wendsongdo Sawadogo, their structure works for citizen monitoring, mobilization and awareness of populations against the terrorist hydra.

For more success in their actions to be carried out on the ground, the deputy secretary general of regional coordination, Djarata Ouédraogo invited women to be more involved in civic monitoring and the good education of their children.

According to the speakers, other activities are planned in the towns of Boulsa (Namentenga) and Kongoussi (Bam).

Source: Burkina Information Agency