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Certification of CSOs as well as the Christian faith are in the headlines of the day


Ouagadougou: This Friday’s publications echo the certification of CSOs in Burkina with a view to cleaning up the environment, as well as the resurrection of Christ, making the headlines of the day’s publications.

Resurrection of Christ ‘it is the hard core of the Christian faith’, headlines the newspaper Le Pays.

The newspaper specifies that according to Father Paul Dah, after 40 days of penance and prayer, the Catholic faithful will celebrate Easter or the resurrection of Christ, on March 31.

The private daily L’Observateur Paalga adds to the words of Abbé Silvère Pingdwendé who informs that “in the Christian faith the triumph of Christ makes death appear as the end of a mission, the earthly one, and the opening of a mission, the earthly one, and the opening towards an encounter, that with the creator.’

In another register, the private daily Le Pays displays on its headline ‘certification of CSOs in Burkina: A process to clean up the environment’.

The newspaper informs that the permanent secretariat of
non-governmental organizations (SPONG) and the Burkinabè fundraising association (ABF) initiated a meeting between civil society organizations (CSO) and non-governmental organizations (NGO), on March 28, 2024 in Ouagadougou

The objective of this meeting was to agree on the certification process of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and NGOs operating in Burkina Faso.

For its part, L’Observateur Paalga indicates that with a view to positively changing the environment of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and development associations in Burkina Faso, the Burkinabè fundraising association has developed a new program called “Giving for change’ with the support of the Dutch NGO which works to support CSOs in their activities for endogenous community development through capacity building for the mobilization of local resources

Source: Burkina Information Agency