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Central-West regional dialogue framework: the 2024 mid-term performance report of the PA-SD scrutinized


Ouagadougou: The second ordinary session of the Central-West Regional Dialogue Framework (CRD) was held in Koudougou, Thursday August 1, 2024, under the presidency of Governor Boubacar Nouhoun Traoré.

This session made it possible to take stock of the mid-term assessment as of June 30, 2024 of the Action Plan for Stabilization and Development (PA-SD) of the region, to present the difficulties which hindered the implementation of the actions and to generate prospects for the second half of 2024.

The assessment shows that the actions carried out by local authorities, decentralized technical services, development projects and programs and NGOs/DAs contributed, as of June 30, 2024, to the achievement of fourteen objectives. PA-SD strategies for a physical achievement rate of 30.84%.

In fact, out of 101 programmed products, 8 have been fully produced, 48 are currently being produced and 45 have not yet started implementation.

On the financial level, an amount of 5,737,681,584 F CFA was executed out of a financ
ial programming of 15,871,416,177 F CFA, i.e. an execution rate of 31.02%.

This poor performance could be explained by delays in obtaining opinions on the use of own funds for investments, insufficient financial resources, the technical and financial failure of certain companies leading to work stoppages, as well as difficulties linked to the release of resources.

As for the prospects for actions planned for the second half of 2024, they are estimated at 4,522,537,528 CFA francs.

These are oriented towards assistance to internally displaced persons (IDPs), the construction of boreholes equipped with PMH, the rehabilitation of AEPS and boreholes, the acquisition of table-benches, and the construction of classrooms.

In addition to these actions, there are many others, such as the development of rural roads, the construction of crossing works, and the organization of awareness sessions on themes related to the prevention and management of community conflicts. , etc.

Also, four recommendations were made with
regard to certain realities on the ground.

This involves organizing a CRD session extended to local authorities in order to iron out the difficulties between the actors in the expenditure chain and the local authorities.

A training session for managers and credit authorizers on the new regulations related to public spending is also desired.

As well as a capacity building session for town hall secretaries on filling out the outlines of PA-SD magazine collections.

The organization of special operations to issue CNIBs for the benefit of displaced people returning to their places of origin is one of the recommendations.

This is, moreover, the quintessence of the presentation of the report delivered by T. Olivier Kaboré of the regional directorate of economy and planning (DREP) of the Center-West, at the end of which some very lively discussions took place. shed more light on these development issues in the Center-West.

The governor of the region, Boubacar Nouhoun Traoré, on the occasion, congratulated the v
arious actors for the level of development achieved despite the difficult context.

All of which did not prevent him from urging everyone to work more in synergy and in good understanding to meet the challenges they face.

Source: Burkina Information Agency