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Center-South: Cattle thieves arrested thanks to Koglowéogo in Pô

Ouagadougou: A group of thieves and cattle receivers, active in the commune of Pô, were arrested thanks to members of the local security initiative called Koglowéogo, from this town.

The members of a group of delinquents, specialized in the theft and concealment of cattle in the commune of Pô in the province of Nahouri, were presented on January 25, 2024 at the Koglewéogo headquarters.

According to the president of the self-defense group, El hadj Kader Nabayiré Tiétiembou, it all started with an anonymous call to inform us that a group of young people were engaging in an unhealthy activity in the commune of Pô. ‘I then designated elements which, thanks to their dynamism, made it possible to get hold of the brain which did not hesitate to recognize the facts.’

The investigations made it possible to discover the other members of the network. Their modus operandi, said El hadj Tietiembou, consists of stealing animals, particularly oxen, they send them to another young person who is responsible for painting th
em using dye to change the color of their coat using brushes. .

For example, transforming a white or red colored ox into black, he explains. The searches led to the discovery of two white bulls painted black in the brain’s yard waiting to be transported to Ghana. They also stated that they have been carrying out this activity for a year and these two bulls are added to around ten bulls that they have already brought across the border.

For the president of the Koglowéogo de Pô, this is the first time he has seen such a technique. ‘I was president of the Nahouri breeders for around twenty years before being president of this security initiative but I never encountered such theft techniques.’

El hadj Tiétiembou invited the population to be vigilant, to report any suspicious cases to the defense and security forces or, failing that, to the local Koglowéogo security initiative. He continued to announce that after this delivery of the two animals to their owners, the said thieves will then be handed over to secu
rity for further action.

Idrissa Bounkoungou who is one of the happy ones of the day, he who no longer had hope of finding his bull lost three months ago, saluted those responsible for the Koglowéogo of Pô for this action.

Source: Burkina Information Agency